Academy Awards 2013: Live Blogging Starts at 8:30!

As you might know, the Academy Awards are tonight, so we’ll
be starting the live-blogging right around the start of the show, which is 8:30pm
eastern time if you’re curious.  We do that on our "Annoying Commentary" Facebook Page, which also throws off Tweets to Stephan's Twitter.  We don’t
usually bother with the red carpet, because there is already so much coverage
of that, plus we like to see what people are going to actually SAY when the
awards are in motion—this is what we find the most humorous.  Also, starting the coverage when the actual
show starts means that we can get our drink on, which makes us even funnier.

Actually, MY awards show hobby (in addition to the
live-blogging of snarky comments) is to try to capture the faces of the
nominees who DON’T win, or who are somehow put into awkward situations (like
Mel Gibson at the Golden Globes).   I
find it endlessly amusing that these people who are paid to be professional
actors (therefore, paid to put on fake emotions) are often in a battle of the
wills with their huge egos, and sometimes the twisted remnants of this battle
can be read right on their faces.   It’s
a Catch-22, really- the very fact that they are famous actors and actresses
presupposes that their egos are absolutely gigantic, and yet, in this moment,
they are called upon to suppress this ego, the very thing that got them there
in the first place, and try to put on a “gracious loser facade” when they lose
an award to someone else.  I don’t want
to sound like a pessimist, but I don’t know why more of these people don’t
practice their “gracious loser” face, since being nominated means you only have
a 1 in 5 chance of winning.  That’s an
80% loss rate, which is why I find it so surprising when people can’t pull it
together to “act” like they are happy for the winner.  They ARE actors, after all. 

Here’s the face I’m looking for tonight.  
Screen Shot 2013-02-24 at 3.17.16 PMThis is kind of a “cheating” example, since
Taylor Swift is a musician, but this was my favorite face from the Golden Globe
awards (besides that classic “Mel Gibson is confused by Jodie Foster” shot).  This is Taylor Swift’s reaction when she
loses the Golden Globe for Best Song to Adele. 
You guys!  Taylor Swift deserves
to win everything, and when she doesn’t, she makes a pouty face.

I will be giving out my own award for "Best Sore Loser," and you can see who wins that tomorrow, along with a photo.

See you tonight!

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