Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Hollywood Car Wash, and also, dog food algebra
First and most important, how are we all feeling about the divorce of Tom Cruise and my best friend Katie Holmes? I'm so glad that this was not oddly…
Promote Your Blog on My Blog….Do it.
I must admit, I got this idea straight from Thoughts from Paris, which is a cool blog by a guy whose last name is Paris (not a blog about a…
Dallas 2012 Pilot Re-Cap: Drink!
Hey, were you excited when you heard that Dallas was coming back? I kind of was, although as it turns out, I'm a little more cynical now than when I…
Where Have I Been? Let’s Catch Up.
So, ok, first let’s address the seemingly strange issue that I was away from this blog for a little while, and then to mark my return, I didn’t write up…
And this, my friends, is why bookstores are going out of business….
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Live from Book Expo America!
This is what I'm doing, in case you miss me and wonder. 🙂