First of all, I just wanted to say that someone decided to mock me on Facebook just now, and to that person, you know what?   You're an ass.  If a suggestion from a friend every once in awhile is going to offend you so much that you feel like you have to make me feel small and get your friends on board, then I feel sorry for your lack of a life.  What are we, in the seventh grade?   How about this?  If social interaction is that offensive to your delicate sensibilities, then WHY ARE YOU ON FACEBOOK?   It's cool, though– don't worry about hearing from me and my pesky updates again.  Good luck with yourself.

Anyhoo, I like how everyone likes to read into everything these days, like looking into everyone’s troubled past, trying to figure out WHY things are happening and what makes people tick.   Let me throw this out there— in addition to the obvious sentiment of “sometimes random things just happen in the universe,” I would like to add the following:  sometimes people just do things, and you will never know why.

Here are a few examples:

–What if Amy Winehouse just loves drugs?  No reason for it.  She just.  Loves.  Drugs.

–What if Charlie Sheen just makes really, really bad decisions?   Nothing wrong with him or his childhood.  He’s just a guy who (again) loves drugs (and also hookers).  No reason for it.  Nothing to cure.  It would be great if people would just acknowledge this and stop marrying him though.

–Laurence Fishburne’s daughter—she just likes porn, man.  She wants to do porn, and she does it.  End of story.

–While I’m on a roll here, I will say:  health benefits be damned.  Drew Carey looks better fat, and so does Horatio Sanz.  The world needs funny fat guys, ok?

–Jake Pavelka is a big gay fake phony pants who went on that show for attention.


–If Hugh Hefner didn’t have money, he’d just be a skeevy old guy.

–Jennifer Aniston makes bad movies, her face is frozen by Botox, and she just seems like a bitch.  Go Team Angelina!

–Anne Coulter is manipulating America like a five year old with her inflammatory statements that she knows will incense you.  Also, are she and Michaele Salahi the same person?

That is all.
