Isn't it just always the case that the minute you're almost done with a blog post featuring bizarro Facebook ads, you happen upon a post written by someone else that captures a bunch of others? Ah well, you can always use that one as a supplement to your collection I guess. I'm going to include my personal favorites here, but you also should totally go over there and laugh, because it is worth it.
This first one (to the left) is more about the funny placement than the actual ads– I guess demographically they skew the same, but it's still funny that you would be seeing a "Fight for Your Marriage" ad while you're thinking about your wedding flowers. I'm just saying. Special thanks to Julianne for screenshotting this for me.
Tangent alert–so– I know, you're wondering– how come I haven't been posting this week? Well, you see, when you are a writer, and you write all week long, sometimes the shoemaker's children have no shoes, because your own blog gets pushed back more and more. Sad but true. On the bright side, here are some other places where I've been this week, so there is no lack of Culwell to go around:
Here I am, writing about being a bonehead in high school for the fantastic blogger Diana Dang's second blog-anniversary. I'm also giving away copies of my novel Hollywood Car Wash over there, in case you haven't read that one and want to sign up.
Here's my beauty column over at the Zeno website–, where you can find me talking about everything from eyelash building serum to how I have been keeping acne under control by drinking a whole lemon squashed up in water every day (true story– so sour, but so, so effective). So, there are two entries this week over there. This must be why it's 11:00 every night and I've been working all day but my inbox still has a gajillion emails, right? At least I have something to show for all my effort.
Back to the original inention of this post– weird Facebook ads. Here are some more, just for your amusement. I think you can see, the problem with this guy is not that he needs to refinance the mortgage (on his tralier). The problem with him is that he's NUDE, needs a haircut, and has just made his fourth appearance on COPS. Note to the mortgage company that's running this ad: this is a waste of your pay per click budget. If you need help making better Facebook ads, maybe you should get in touch with me at the internet company that I promised I would try not to mention here as much. Thank you to my funny cousin Kendall for this one.
Next up: decent Facebook ad, COMPLETELY BIZARRE PRODUCT. What the….why is this a thing? This is supposed to be a stick-on eyelid tattoo that replaces eyeshadow, I think. And while I love inventions and innovations as much as the next girl, I have to say, I don't think my life was suffering from a lack of leopard-print stick on eyelid tattoos, do you? How do they stay on? Don't they feel so weird? Don't they LOOK so weird? Who would need leopard-print eyelids? I'm saying all this, but the one good thing about this ad is the shock value of the product itself, so this ad campaign probably converts really well, if I have to tell the truth. Thank you to Cloie and Michelle for pointing this one out. Cloie, did you buy some?
Finally, I have to thank Rachel for always sending me the best ads. Here are a few of her gems:
First and foremost, the wheelchair motorcycle ad. She has a Vespa, and apparently when you have a Vespa, this puts you in a weirdness demographic all its own according to Facebook. In fact, if you are curious to see what will happen, I would suggest that you wipe out all of your other Facebook preferences and just put "Vespas," and then sit back and see what kind of absurd ads roll in (and of course send them to me).
I mean, it's great that there is such a thing as a wheelchair motorcycle, but I still think it's a demographic reach to assume that just because someone has a Vespa, they might also enjoy a wheelchair motorcycle. A bit of a cognitive leap, I would say.
Here's another one that she sent me. Again, not sure what combination of demographic profiles it takes to produce commercial intent for an invitation to "Like" Carl's Jr., the incentive of which is a slanket. That's right– I said slanket. Read the fine print.
Speaking of weird towel and blanket related items, I didn't take a screen shot, but a couple of months ago I was invited to become a fan of the Bacon Towel. Again. The Bacon Towel.
OK, that is my week-in-review. I promise to post more next week!