These are the kinds of conversations I have.
I can't believe I'm only putting this up now– the fault is mine, really– the topic is so amusing to me that I wanted to write a really good summary,…
I can't believe I'm only putting this up now– the fault is mine, really– the topic is so amusing to me that I wanted to write a really good summary,…
It's true, I am totally blog cheating on you, and for some time now! I thought I had mentioned it before, but if not, you can read my twice-weekly thoughts…
Yesterday I was in Connecticut — I don’t know if you knew this, but apparently there was this freaky thunderstorm-severe weather warning going on in Connecticut and some of New…
The other day I had an idea for a blog post, but I had no idea how to really express it in words, so I drew it in a cartoon. …
Dude– I wanted this blog post to be all about this extremely entertaining piece of insider gossip I heard about Mel Gibson this week, but SORRY, can't share it, friend…
Hey, did you know you can now subscribe to Funny Strange on your Kindle? Yep, true story. Click here if you want to do that. So, wow, I was all…
So, I heard on the news that the east coast hasn't been this sweltering hot in nine years, and how everybody is dropping dead from heat exhaustion, and everyone is…
I've noticed an alarming trend lately, and I think it started with the new 90210, or maybe the new Melrose Place (neither of which I watch because I can no…
I totally forgot to mention this before, when I was ranting about “WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?” I am seeing products lately that make me say “WHAT IS THE…