Have a Laugh, Save a Life– Seriously, Get That Mole Looked At.

Hey, I know I'm usually all funny on this blog, and sometimes you think I'm
weird and everything, but guess what, people?

Reading Funny Strange can SAVE

It's not just that I think laughter has healing qualities,
because it totally does.

As it turns out, people actually read my
stupid stories, and sometimes it motivates them to action!  Case in point: 
remember that post about how I am nutso about the dermatologist, and how I
force them to cut 
off every suspicious thing, not trusting their obviously
superior medical opinions?

Get this:  my long-lost high school
friend Katie (who I reconnected with last year at the San Diego signing for Hollywood Car Wash) read that post and thought it was funny, but since she is also
super fair like me, it reminded her to get a new dermatologist, and she
went in and insisted  (crazy Culwell style, I'm assuming) that they cut off
this mole on her hand that had been bugging her, and guess what?


It's in the early stages and her doctor
says it will only require a simple surgery, but she sent me an email last
week actually thanking me for that blog post, because if they hadn't caught
it early, who knows what could have happened?

So, wow.   It's funny,
because I was actually really self-conscious about that post because it
painted a pretty accurate portrait of how my anxious mind can get carried away
and a couple of people said it weirded them out to have that accurate a
snapshot of my neuroses, but now, you know what?

I'm glad I left it
up.  You guys– now I can actually say my weirdness SAVED SOMEONE'S

Someone, one of my numerous therapists is like "great."

Katie– I'm so glad you're ok, and that I played some part in your finding a new doctor.  Truly.

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One Reply to “Have a Laugh, Save a Life– Seriously, Get That Mole Looked At.”

  1. relic watches

    Funny Strange is Lori Culwell’s blog: Have a Laugh, Save a Life– Seriously, Get That Mole Looked At.


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