Maybe it’s because I am a marketing / search engine person
(I have this company, in case you didn’t know, or in case someone you know
needs a website or needs their website optimized or promoted in some way), but
every day I seem to notice the weirdest things and I have to wonder:
Does everyone else find this weird, or is it just me?
Here are a few examples, in no particular order, that I have written down in my notebook over the past week.
That new KFC sandwich—you know, the Double Down?
Why is this a good idea? I can think of several products that KFC
could make that wouldn’t make me drop dead from heart disease. Does KFC hate me? Would it kill them to make a grilled chicken
salad for once? I do have to admit, though, I
always did like those Lil’ Bucket Parfaits.
Speaking of hate, what is McDonald’s thinking
with Sweet Tea? I’m guessing they a) are
not going to be able to make it taste like it does in the South, and b) are
turning a blind eye to the fact that their primary demographic DOES NOT NEED TO
I mistakenly clicked a pop up ad (God help me)
and was taken to Pizza Hut’s website.
Did you know they have a “Seven Day Advance” ordering system? Who orders pizza seven days in advance? No no no!
Pizza is something you order when you DIDN’T plan seven days in advance,
dude. Pizza is a “fallback” food, don’t
they know this?
Serial marrier Larry King files for his eighth
divorce. I have an idea—what if Larry
King and Charlie Sheen were allowed to marry each other?
Sarah Palin has made $12 million since resigning
as governor of Alaska. Actually, this
one isn’t so much “weird” as “just plain wrong.” I really thought her not becoming Vice
President was going to make her go away, but apparently people do care about
her opinions. On the bright side, maybe
this fame and money will keep her from running for President, because that job
will be way harder and not pay nearly as much.