Will Ferrell was on the big Saturday Night Live finale (along with everyone else in the world— hey, was that Anne Hathaway?), and I think we can all agree, Will Ferrell deserves our comedy respect, if for no other reason than he is so total commitment.  That guy GOES FOR IT!  I was a little disappointed that he didn’t do a sketch like this one, though, so I’m going to put it up, just for nostalgia.  Please, pay careful attention to the looks on the cast members’ faces as Ferrell walks around– they are trying so hard to keep it together, just watching them makes me laugh.  “For the love of God– why are those shorts…..so short?”I was going to do a scene-by-scene analysis like I usually do, but really, I thought the show was pretty funny overall, with the exception of that weird “Sports Center” sketch where the whole joke was the two commentators getting distracted by the float-in promo for the upcoming show.  Really?  That’s what you’re going out with?   Oh, also– I thought the funeral sketch was too long, but it’s always good to see Maya Rudolph.   Also, I make a prediction right now you will not be seeing Casey Wilson’s name on the roster next season.  She has just not found her groove, but that’s ok– remember, Chris Rock was on that show for one season and was really, really not funny.  So, it happens.   Oh, I almost forgot– this SNL Jeopardy thing is so funny, I’m actually going to make a whole post to collect them, just so you can find them all in one place.  But, here is last week’s.  Norm McDonald is back with that awesome Burt Reynolds impression!

I was glad Amy Poehler came back for Weekend Update– when are they going to hire someone new?  Her presence made me realize that that this segment is funnier with two people.   The “All Go Down Together” sketch was less funny than just proof of the fact that there were alot of famous people in town who wanted to be in the SNL finale.  Sometimes I wonder– do they have an “A-List Celebrity” email list or something, where they send out broadcast emails for things like Cannes and the Saturday Night Live finale?  That would be funny–  Subject Heading:  Saturday Night Live finale, only come if you’re super-famous. 

I’m going to include the sketch that made me laugh the most– note to the Saturday Night Live directors– this is what Kristen Wiig should always be doing.  She is totally in her element with the absurd comedy.  When in doubt– give her the baby hands!  My favorite line:  “I put squirrels in my bed, then mustard in my bed, and then I ate them…..is that bad?”    “Yes, that is bad!”
