Saturday Night Live Post Mortem: a solid B+
Stephan and I have always been big Saturday Night Live fans (at least before, when it was more consistently funny), and now we try to watch it when we think…
Stephan and I have always been big Saturday Night Live fans (at least before, when it was more consistently funny), and now we try to watch it when we think…
Whoooooo— hoooo! Sorry for that last post. Hey, when I bring it down, I bring it ALL the down, right? After that last post, like three different people were all…
Maybe you were one of the people who appeared in one of my multiple Facebook photo albums over the weekend– I'm in the process of creating a digital archive of…
Sorry, I was working on another project and didn't have time to finish the post I was working on over the weekend, so I am doing the "distraction" method of…