Big Thanksgiving Plans?

Wow, is it Wednesday already?  I've been trying to catch up on a bunch of stuff since it seems like alot of people have taken the whole week off, and I like to be that guy whose email you find when you come back into the office after a vacation, you know?  There is something very satisfying to me about emptying out my inbox, while at the same time knowing that I'm filling someone else's up.  Is that wrong?  Quiet time in the office is the only time I can get big projects off my desk, and so here I am, returning the "big project" ball to everyone who has been waiting for stuff from me for a long time, like drafts of things, and final bios, and website updates and other "to do" list things. 

So– what are you doing for Thanksgiving?  We have a strange and unconventional holiday planned.  And by that I mean, Stephan went to Carmel to cook for his family (because he's just that kind of guy), while I have been invited to have Thanksgiving with my 97 year old grandmother and my aunt and uncle— at 9:00 in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.  Why 9:00 in the morning?  Um, have you heard about my grandmother?   If you haven't, and you think it would be questionable of me to slander a 97 year old woman on the internet where she would never see it, allow me just to say that she is….particular, and a little bit eccentric, and a few years ago she showed up to Thanksgiving dinner and she wasn't satisfied with the way things were going and she didn't feel like being there anymore… she left. 

Yeah.  It was festive.  So, this year, she's made it known that she will attend Thanksgiving dinner, but only if it's a breakfast, and only  if it's held at a restaurant in La Jolla at 9:00 in the morning, and I agreed because I was trying to be nice, blah blah blah.   I don't know why I thought that "trying to be nice" would in any way be easy, and sure enough, I'm now considering the various ways I might be able to get down to San Diego by tomorrow morning, being that this is the most heinous travel day of the year, and there's no way I'm getting on the freeway today.   The solution I've come up with is to get up at 6:00 am and drive down there in time for Thanksgiving breakfast.  I'm sure the sleep deprivation will make it much easier to be patient with my grandmother, who yells and has what we might refer to as "selective hearing loss," only it's coupled with real hearing loss.   Mostly this just means she doesn't listen to you if she doesn't like you, which pretty much applies to everyone at this point. 

But, that's not all the Thanksgiving fun I have planned, because on Friday I'm driving out to my hometown of Palm Desert for an informal high school reunion, because one has been planned on Facebook and I'm dying of curiosity.  So, what I'm basically saying is that by Saturday I will have driven about 500 miles, and will either have alot of amusing anecdotes, or a scorching case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you know what I'm saying?

Also, I took this photo the other day of a yogurt store sign.  I think you'll agree that the real humor comes from the fact that the sign says "corner of Bundy and Santa Monica," and the sign is LOCATED at the corner of Bundy and Santa Monica, making it something of a meta-sign which is describing the very corner on which it is sitting.    I also think it's a little odd to advertise fro-yo as costing "28 cents per oz."   All in all, I think this sign is well-meaning, but tries to pack in too much complicated information for a drive-by sign on a street corner.  "TASTY FRO YO INSIDE" might have worked a little better, don't you think?

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One Reply to “Big Thanksgiving Plans?”

  1. Ahhh, nothing but good times headed your way this week. Admit it, you are smirking already.


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