I just would like to say for the record that I think it’s FANTASTIC that my book is consistently equal to or outranking the following, big advance-having, major publisher-supported books out there. It’s great that people are voting with their dollars and buying my book, and that I continue to get great feedback on a book Big Publishing America said would never sell, because "nobody wants to read celebrity-driven fiction."
When I’m a multimillionaire, bestselling author, I’m sure I’m going to look back on this whole experience and laugh.
On Friday, April 13th, Hollywood Car Wash was # 45 on Amazon! Yay for the little novel that could!
Check the rank of Hollywood Car Wash
Check the rank of Little Pink Slips
Check the rank of Hollywood Girls Club (seriously– someone at Crown needs to give me a call. I am selling way more books than this person)
Check the rank of A Model Summer
So, what I’m saying is……my book is equal or better in ranking with the summer releases of major publishing houses. What better reason could there be to throw big money at me for my next novel?