So, did you read this article about how eggs are now the devil? Am I
the only one who is getting sick and tired of these “expose” articles that
basically tell us that everything we’ve been trying to do to be healthy is
WRONG WRONG WRONG, and that even though you’ve been actually making an effort to
be productive and healthy, you would have been better off laying around, eating
Cheetos and smoking? Are you getting
that sense? I almost feel like each new
researcher that comes out with a report has a smug sense of superiority about
telling us all what we’ve been doing wrong, and it makes me want to smack them.
Of course, it doesn’t help that the “reporter” who broke the
big story about how eggs are so bad for you happens to be Kathy Freston,
super-annoying smug vegan and Friend of Oprah.
If a challenging thing has happened to Kathy Freston in her life, I
would like to hear about it, because to me it seems like she’s just a thin
blonde woman with a rich husband and a lot of influential friends who has
always gotten everything she’s ever wanted, and this makes me NOT want to take
advice from her or allow her to tell me that eggs are “worse for you than
smoking.” I feel like this egg article
is her way of saying “See—I TOLD you to become a vegan, and YOU didn’t listen
to me, and now you’re going to DIE, mehhhhh.”
I actually did read “Quantum Wellness” because it sounded like a book I
would like, and even then, I felt like smacking Kathy Freston.
So, there’s that. Add
eggs to the list of things that are terrible for you, along with sitting at
your desk for too many hours ,
and talking on the cellphone, and probably also breathing air and minding your
own business. Next news headline: “MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS CAUSES BRAIN
Also, did you know that the new Grizzly Bear album is out,
and that Grizzly Bear is really into the Doobie Brothers, and even got Michael
McDonald to collaborate with them? This
kind of awesomeness kind of makes my head explode.
I will warn you,
though—this song is going to make you want to go on a Michael McDonald/ Lido
Rock bender. Don’t worry, I won’t judge
if you are now wanting to belt out “Minute by Minute,” because that is exactly
what I did while I was writing this post.
Belting out Doobie Brothers songs may ALSO be hazardous to your health, just FYI. The Doobie Brothers will totally raise your cholesterol.