This week one of my high school friends posted this hilarious photo on Facebook, and I thought I would share it here since I know that not all of the Funny Strange readers are also my Facebook friends.


Several things with this photo:

  1.  Yes, the newspaper clipping is yellow, because it is from 1983. We are all old.   Come to peace with it.
  2. In case you were going to point it out, yes, I am the same age as the rest of the people in this photo (in fact, I am older than most of them), and yet I am the shortest, tiniest little Girl Scout in the group.  I assure you, I am a normal-size human being now, and in fact, I turned out to be taller than some or all of the other people in it.  I have no explanation for this.  I took my chewable Flintstones vitamins and drank milk every day, ok?  I cannot explain my tininess or my being six inches shorter than my friends.
  3. My general middle school runtiness might explain my perhaps overcompensatory sense of humor.  When you don’t start looking like an adult person until you are 15 years old, you are forced to become smart, or funny, or maybe a little bit of both.  
  4. In case you read the caption, yes, this is a photo of my Girl Scout troop touring a blood bank.  Is that still a thing?  Now that I am an adult, this doesn’t sound like a great idea.   Middle school kids can’t give blood, and the subject matter in general doesn’t seem kid-friendly.   Is there a Girl Scout “Blood Bank” badge?  Yuck.

Speaking of middle school and the early eighties, this is the perfect time to direct you over to this hilarious post from my friend (and fellow writer) Marisa, and for you to become a regular reader of hers, since she writes on her blog, "Young Adultish," even more than I write here.  I think if you like my blog you will definitely like hers, although (as you will read), her experience in middle school was completely different from mine.  Not only was she taller and more mature than me, but she was allowed to wear makeup and did not look like a small boy, so she had people asking her to "go" with them and was kissing boys in middle school and everything.   I’m certain that you will find her experience as hilariously awkward (awkwardly hilarious?) as I did.  Enjoy!
