I know, I am playing into the hands of an advertising agency that is trying to make this commercial go viral, but I think it’s pretty funny that someone finally did this.   Actually, I saw this commercial the other night while I was watching “Grey’s Anatomy” or something like that, and it wasn’t until I saw a bottle of Liquid Plumber over the weekend that I remembered it, and even then I thought maybe I dreamed it, so I’m not sure how effective the commercial actually was in getting me to reassess my need for drain cleaner, but it did stick in my mind (no pun intended).

This commercial is actually kind of meta, because Liquid Plumber is finally acknowledging the fact that porn people make "Hi, I'm here to snake your pipes" references all the time, and good for them for finally using that to their advantage.  

By the way, did you see the promos on “Mad Men” last night for that new show “The Pitch”?  I don’t know why, but watching people come up with advertising campaigns in real life falls into the same category for me as “American Idol auditions,” so even though I am kind of in that field and I have definitely worked on a few pitches in my day, I don’t think I’ll be watching that.
