You guys! I have been so tired and cranky lately, and I'm blaming this on Daylight Savings Time and the sudden onset of spring. I know, I know, my mother in law and I are the only ones that actually get sad when spring starts, and everyone else looooooves warm weather and blah blah blah so I'm not going to go on about it at length, but I am wondering if there is an "opposite" equivalent of that lightbox thing, so I can get my gloom on. Spring makes me tired and gives me a headache, ok? I don't know why.  It's possible that I might be a vampire of some kind.  

I think I've finally accepted that spring (possibly summer) is here to stay, I'm over the "spring forward" jet lag and have finished another book deadline that involved approximately one kajillion screenshots that needed to be re-sized, so I am feeling more amenable toward Funny Strange-ness now.

I would like to discuss this commercial, which keeps playing on Hulu. Let me first throw this out there–is it a good idea for our society to be encouraged to play MORE video games? I just don't see "you can take your video games with you" as being the encouragement to care about your fitness that, for example, Michelle Obama is talking about. Aren't there people with video game addictions, and by providing them with portable versions of these games, aren't we just feeding this addiction, like giving garbage to a hoarder? Also, this probably goes without saying, but this kind of thing is guaranteed to make some people Darwin themselves out of the human race because they are playing a game and walking into a crosswalk at the same time. 

This commercial makes me want to do an intervention, but I'm not even sure where to start intervening. Dude! If you're so unhappy with your life that you have to play video games up until the moment when you go to work, then you are anesthetizing yourself with that video game during your morning commute (possibly at the risk of your life because, as you can see, that guy is NOT looking both ways before he crosses the street), I'm just throwing it out there– YOU ARE CLINICALLY DEPRESSED AND IN NEED OF SOME THERAPY.

Oh!  Now I'm going to say something positive, so watch out!   Here is some cool news.  My YA novel, "The Dirt," is doing really well on Amazon right now– in fact, it is now # 1 in several categories.  Since this is the second time this has happened with a book I wrote (the last one being "Hollywood Car Wash"), does this mean it is ok for me to call myself "Bestselling Author Lori Culwell?"  Because you know I've been wanting to do that for years.  

Here is the proof!  I am so not making this up.


In case you haven't read that book yet, HERE IS THE LINK GO AND BUY IT RIGHT NOW.
