Happy Monday!

Did you watch the Golden Globes?  If you did, and you were on Facebook last night, you probably noticed that Stephan and I did our annual "awards show mockery schtick" during the broadcast.  Some people found this very entertaining and said as much, and some people unfriended me, so I guess that gives us about the same track record as Ricky Gervais.

I think it loses something if you're not watching it live, but if you'd like to read at least my commentary, I will direct you over to my Twitter feed.   In case you're wanting to see our commentary on the Oscars, which is usually even snarkier, we are setting up a more sophisticated delivery system (ok, it's a Tumblr blog) and will point you over there soon.  But again, if you think that kind of thing is annoying, go ahead and unfriend me now and save us both some grief, because awards show snark is kind of the distillation of my very being.   It is, as Heidegger would say, the selfless of my self– the thingness of my thing.

Stephan's note:  aww, snap!  A Heidegger reference in the Golden Globes post.

I think Stephan's commentary was even funnier than mine, but to see that, you will have to be his friend on Facebook.   If you are, and you missed it, I would highly recommend going over there now and getting caught up.  He was, if I may say, en fuego.

Also, in case you are so inclined, please go over to the Escape in a Book blog and read my guest post and their review of my YA novel!  
