Where do I start? I had a wonderful time at the reunion. I am going to go ahead and just post a picture of me and my friends, because how gorgeous are my friends? Hello! How could I not post it? I will say, I generally dislike photographs of myself so I try to stay out of pictures when possible, but there were some decent ones from this reunion (including a nice one of me with my friend Ryan, who is not my husband, so I'm debating whether I can use this as my Facebook profile photo. Is that cool? Seems weird).
I’m going to quote one of my male friends here in reference to the reunion:
“Holy shit—90% of the women look the same, if not better. But….what happened to the guys?”
I actually don’t agree—I thought everyone looked pretty darn good. Also, it wasn't just a one0-day affair– my friend Brook had an out-of-control red cup keg party the night before the reunion (the cops came, ok? We know how to party), so it was very much like Grosse Pointe Blank, only in a good way. Also, maybe it’s just because I like where I grew up, but there is something so awesome about seeing people you’ve known since you were eight years old, and you’re (for the most part) all alive and in good moods and happy to see each other and doing interesting things with your lives. I probably liked high school as much as any other teenager, but after high school, when all the filtering of the b.s. is over and years have distilled your friends and acquaintances into really cool people who say things like “I’m proud of you for writing books” and read your blog and stuff like that?
Awesome. Priceless, I tell you. Touching even.
My high school friends and I have actually stayed close, and we have seen each other through some hairy stuff over the years. I’m talking about how it was my high school friends who called me on the phone every day and made sure I ate food and literally helped me clean out my mom’s house after she died, whose weddings I’ve been to and children I’ve held, and whose tragic circumstances I have also been there for. Facebook makes this even better as I’ve gotten to know people from my hometown who I didn’t know that well then because they were younger than me, or because we hung out with different people, or because I had mono junior year and missed a lot of school. But, you get what I’m saying.
Oh! I should also mention another super awesome thing, which is that I got to have another totally new experience—staying out all night with my high school friends. I had a very strict mom (let’s just leave it at that, shall we?), so I was always the kid with the early curfew who was home by 11:30 or midnight and never knew what kind of stuff went on at 2am.
Well, now I know, and I have to say this experience has added whole new dimension to my life. Damn!
If you're my Facebook friend there are some albums of the reunion, though if you went to high school with me you've probably already been bombarded with them. I know, some people don't like their hometown and wouldn't go to their reunion if you paid them, but I love my friends and try not to miss an opportunity to see them, so I wholeheartedly put my cynical nature on hold when it comes to reunion-type activities. Friends are important!
Also, yes, Lisa looks good in every photo, no matter how hot it is. It is some kind of freakish superpower she has. Jealous!