My friend Shannon let me know about a crazy commercial she's been seeing lately, and upon viewing it, I must agree— this is a totally weird campaign, starting with the comparison of your children to animals and the suggestion that you wouldn't feed THEM out of a paper bag, so why would you do this to your dog?


The answer to the opening question posed by this commercial, the question of whether you'd feed your children the same food that you'd feed a dog– this is the real problem, I think, because the answer is NO, dude. That's a dog– it eats food out of a paper bag, ok? Some dogs live in the wild, and they eat dead stuff and things people throw away, and other disgusting things like poop and grass and whatever else they can find– in fact, those dogs would KILL for some nice food out of a paper bag. So no, even as a dog owner, I don't get the "feed your dog what you would feed yourself" logic. My vet in L.A. was one of those "feed your dog like a human" weirdos, and I was like "yeah– I'm not paying that much for dog food when my dog is just as happy to sit around and lick himself all day, ok? Get ahold of yourself." I love that dog, but all I will buy him is a nice bag of "Science Diet for Senior Citizen Dogs" plus some canned stuff from the grocery store that is filled with all sorts of disgusting things I'm sure but that he eats like it's fliet mignon. Scoff if you will, but that dog is going on ten years old and still has energy and a good attitude.

Despite my general incredulity at this kind of thing, you know there are enough people out there who actually go for this or there wouldn't be a company that could afford to advertise, and THIS is the part I find really baffling.
