Insufferable Christmas Songs, Revisited
Usually it's uncool to just provide a link back to an old post, but I just re-read last year's list of insufferable Christmas songs, and it's still funny, as is the original post that inspired the whole thing.
Please, go back and read it, and listen to the Barbra Streisand song. It really is worth it. And, maybe Shannon can tell us whether her daughter is demanding Andy Williams again this year, or if she has a new favorite.
Ha! Too funny. Yes, last year my then 2-year-old was obsessed with Andy Williams’ over the top rendition of “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” which she would demand in surly fashion by yelling “MOST!!!” and pointing at the CD player. She still likes that one, but seems to have forgotten her past obsession. She does not really discriminate this year, but does yell at us if she deems the Christmas music on the car stereo too quiet. She’s so demanding!