You might be sick of hearing about book-promotion related stuff, but….dude, I wrote two books, and they both just came out! I have to milk that for all it's worth. There are several sites doing giveaways of Hollywood Car Wash, and I will be sure to let you know about those when they start, in case you were wanting to win an autographed copy of that book. For now, though, here is the official "California Book Tour" schedule, which is officially for Hollywood Car Wash, but during which I'm sure I will also have some copies of "Million Dollar Website" in the trunk of my car, should you want an autographed copy of that one as well. You can also find these on Facebook if you want to RSVP there.
Thursday, June 10th
7:00 pm
Book Soup
8818 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
72840 Highway 111 and Monterey
at Westfield Shoppingtown
Palm Desert, CA.
By the way, when all this book busy-ness is over, I really want to
share some of the hilarious (not so much) stories with you about how
when you write books and they come out, you'd think you would pretty much be done with overcoming challenging obstacles for the time being, but you would be wrong– weird things still happen, just in diferent settings. Just yesterday, I got
an email from a person in a book store in a city (note my generality), saying that
she didn't think my event would be "appropriate for their target
audience." I think she was trying to be nice and not say "our snobby,
high-falutin' bookstore shoppers don't want your colorful chick-lit
type novel," but I so wanted to call her on it. I had the words "My book's in Barnes
& Noble, and your target audience needs to get over itself" right on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't say it, because I am trying to be the bigger person.
Instead I just run back here and talk about it on my blog.