A Whole New Job Option for You…..
So, we totally didn't do anything for Halloween– I don't know why, but we have a real aversion to actually going out in Los Angeles. Maybe it's the driving, or the fact that it takes so long to get to your destination, then only one of you can drink, and then you have to drive all the way back. Or maybe L.A. means "work" in our minds, and therefore makes us anti-social. I did end up going to see "Changeling" on Saturday (which was good, but would have been better if Angelina Jolie weren't so heavily made-up and beautiful. I mean– come ON! She's a single mom who works for the phone company!), and then went out with some old friends on Saturday night, but that was alot of L.A. stuff for me. In New York, on the other hand, we can often be found doing five different things in one night. Maybe we're just L.A. averse. Who knows?
Anyhoo, I was walking the dog on Halloween (which, to be honest, I don't know why I do, because the costumes really scare him), when I saw this guy standing outside of Aaah's, the costume store on Wilshire. Yes, that's the Joker from Batman, but he's on stilts or something, because he's super-tall. Pretty cool, actually. I guess he scares alot of people, or causes them to come into the store.
And, how do I know this? Because later, as I was walking by again, super-tall stilt legs Joker guy was taking a break, and was sitting down, and I….simply….had to take his picture. You know how I get.
When I asked if I could photograph him, he even did a fancy Rockette-style kick, which made me laugh even more:
As it turns out, the super-tallness comes from wearing what's called "drywall stilts," which I guess you can buy at Home Depot, and if you're totally enterprising like this guy (who, as it turns out, is named Jay and knows some people I know, because the entertainment industry is a very small world), you can actually carve out a very decent niche market being the super-tall legs guy at, say, Laker Games, or in parades, or outside of Aaahs on Halloween. As it turns out, Jay of the Super Tall Legs is booked up all through the holidays.
Oh, also? I totally forgot to give a birthday shout-out to Stephan's Grammie, who turned 101 years old at the end of October. You go, Grammie! (yes, she reads this blog). Put some birthday wishes for her in the comments if you'd like!