Celebrity Nickname Generator
Stephan sent me this last week, and I laughed so hard about the results, I kept it in my inbox to share with you, my Funny Strange readers. Go ahead– put in the names of you and your significant other, and see what hilarity ensues! You know you want the equivalent of "Brangelina" for yourself!
Stephan and I are "Lorhan," by the way. You may refer to us as that from now on. Here are some examples of couples I know, whose names I ran through the engine:
Chad + Elise= "Chadise," though I think "Chalice" would be funnier. "Elishad" was another option for them.
Angela + DJ = "AngelJ"
Jim + Laura = "Jimura"
Brandi + Rob = "BranRob"
Grant + Peter = "Granter"
Kristen + Darnell = "Krisell"
And….the fun never stops!
Just call us “Katris”.
Ummmm … that is awesome. We totally need business cards with that on them or something.
barack and michelle obama
Are you eager to secure funds for that dream project of yours?