Jodie Foster Golden Globes 2013 Gif

Today, for your amusement, I've taught myself to make some animated GIFs from the Golden Globe Awards.   In case you're wondering, it looks like I do not have the flu, but you should probably try to avoid getting this cold that's going around, because I've now had it twice, and it is not that great.  I'm sampling various cold medicine combinations, all of which would be enough to knock out a regular-size human person or a perhaps a small horse.  You'll notice that I am awake and writing anyway.

Here is the first GIF, which (I think you will agree) turned out pretty nice.   It took me a few tries to get all the shots right, but I think I've captured the essence of that awkward "I'm Fifty!" here:

HU8Zs7 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif


Again, let me reiterate: I am totally proud of Jodie Foster for coming out. Good for her! If anything, this GIF just makes me even more pro gay rights, because now I am just making fun of her general goofiness.

I tried to make one of Mel Gibson's face, but I took twenty screnshots over the course of five seconds, and HE WAS MAKING THE EXACT SAME FACE THE WHOLE TIME, so I decided I could probably just put up the still shot again with the same effect.

It was this face, in case you've forgotten.   

Golden Globes Mel Gibson's Face

This made me laugh even more, because what (sober/ sane) human being can hold their face in the same position for any extended period of time? I can think of only one person, and that….is the Blizzard Man.


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In case this shot makes you nostalgic for that funny SNL sketch, I've also included that for your Friday afternoon ha-ha.

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