Oh, how we amuse ourselves….
So, first of all, I will let it be known that Publisher's Weekly has reviewed my novel, Hollywood Car Wash, and they've called it a "beach book shoo-in," which is just awesomely awesome. Frankly, anytime anyone reads a book (or anything else of mine) and says something nice about it, that is great. Because, as I might have mentioned before, I have been rejected by what seems like everyone in the world, and to start to see the fruits of your effort is very gratifying. If you're a writer and you're getting rejected alot, just remember that once, someone sent me a personal email that said "I think you are a very bad writer," and instead of quitting, I wrote more. This either makes me insane, or one of those "never say die" success stories that you might be able to use as inspiration. Anyhow, thanks to PW for the review, that is great news, and I hope they are right about it being a popular beach read.
This brings me to my next topic, a game we like to call "That was the name of my band in Junior College," which is played on occasions when you hear something (a title or expression) that sounds so funny, you want to write it down or somehow remember it, because it sounds like something a bunch of 19 year olds would name a band. Today, Stephan's writing partner Mike added "Beach Book Shoo-in" to the list.
Other recent entries have included:
Beach Book Shoo-In
Orwellian Buttocks (I can't even begin to describe the conversation that precipitated this)
Monkey Shakes Hands
Call Me Cupcakes
My Thighs & Apologies
Junkie Tennis
The Metric Muslims
Now, I realize this is less of a game and more of an incidental-type activity, but it's still funny, and I think you should not only add it to your life, but send me any names you happen upon. I will add them to the list. Also, I mentioned this game to my friend Mona at her husband's birthday party, and she said they have a similar game, only they call it "Band or Album." I started an "Album" list, but so far, all I have is "Super Hot Under the Cheese," "Obamania!", and "Bureacratic Crap."
My husband, who is a tall broad man, just transferred into Texas Women’s College where he is completing his BSN (Nursing). TWU is a very liberal college where most of the homosexual population of North Texas attends school. He refers to himself on campus as “Fat Guy at a Lesbian College”. I do not know if this is a Band name or an Album name, but it has to be one. You decide!