My Google Authorship Experience!

This week, I had a totally interesting and informative
Google + Hangout with my smart blogger friend Erica, who kicked my ass on the
subject of Google Plus, and Google Authorship in general.  It was AWESOME.  I love it when smart people tell me about
things I might be missing. 

Here’s the thing—I have been totally neglecting my Google +
profile because I felt like I just didn’t want to take the time, and I didn’t
know how much benefit it was really going to get me.   After all, I’m already on Twitter, and Facebook,
I have a website based on my name, plus I write every day on here, and I was
kind of like “HOW MUCH MORE DO I HAVE TO DO?” so when I started hearing people
talking about Google+, I kind of ignored it and figured I would look into it
again if it became an actual thing.  
Like, remember how Google Buzz did NOT become an actual thing?  Kind of like that.

Now I realize I shouldn’t have done that, for two
reasons:  1) I am that person that tells
to do every single thing they can to get themselves out there, so if
there is something authors can do (that I can later yell at them for not doing)
I should most definitely be doing that thing, and  2) Google+ did become a thing, and now I’m
behind on getting my Google Authorship established, and that is a mistake that
I don’t want you to make, so I’m making an example of myself.

In case you’re curious, here is what “Google Authorship”
looks like.  As you can see, if you’ve
set up your Google Authorship correctly by linking your written stuff that’s
online with your Google + profile, your photo will appear next to things you’ve
written.  This is handy, not just for
search engine purposes, but because it will make people click on your stuff
more readily since they will know it’s by you and associate the content with
your brand (your brand being your little face).


Yes, I realize that it’s ironic that I Googled “Google
Authorship,” but I thought it was the best way to demonstrate the point, PLUS
it allowed me to pull some helpful reference links for you.  Did I make those links clickable inside this
jpeg?  No I did not.  I am trying not to get distracted.  

Anyhoo, I spent a few days authorizing my authorship and
putting the author rel = code in a bunch of different places (look it up), and
now I’m waiting for MY little face to appear next to my written work when you
Google me. 

In case you’re curious or you’ve never Googled me (and why
would you?  Who do I think I am?), here
is a screenshot of that:

Screen Shot 2013-03-01 at 10.23.21 PM


Waaaaa wahhhhhhhh.  As
you can see, I have NOT yet achieved Google Authorship status, because you DON’T
see my little face next to anything, although, I think it’s probably ok,
because let’s be clear—awesome blogger Erica JUST gave me this lecture on
Tuesday and already I’ve taken a bunch of steps. 


So—Google Authorship. 
Get on it for yourself!  Consider
yourself lectured. I will provide scintillating updates about how long it takes me to actually get Google Authorship Authorized.  I've heard it can be quite some time.

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One Reply to “My Google Authorship Experience!”

  1. Yay! Totally awesome that you have done this. Now you just need to sit back and wait for Google to send you an email telling your your authorship is verified!


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