Animatronic Man Makes More Money Panhandling Than Homeless Guy Right Next to Him
This is a little confusing to comprehend at first, so I’ve included a photo.
There is a Sav-On Pharmacy right down the street from my house. In preparation for Halloween, they put up this six foot tall robot-type man who looks like a mad scientist. Every time a person walks into or out of the store, he says something like “I’ve got a fun game we can play….it’s called fun with electricity,” and other mad scientist things of this nature. This is probably very annoying to the people actually working in the store, but that’s beside the point.
This is the part I think is truly absurd: Animatronic Mad Scientist Guy has a plastic beaker in his hand, like he’s going to do an experiment. About ten days ago, we noticed that people had started throwing money into the beaker, like a quarter, or some pennies, or whatever. Then more people started doing it, and now by the end of the day, Mad Scientist Robot Guy has at least $2 or $3 in that beaker. This baffles me. Why are people giving money to a fake mad scientist? Do they have any concept of where that money might go? Are they tipping the guy for bugging everyone?
To compound the absurdity of this situation, there is a REAL LIVE homeless guy that stands out in front of this Savon all day long, going “spare any change?” To which the answer would be:
“no, I can’t spare any change, I just gave my change to the FAKE ROBOT GUY standing right in front of you. I think it’s more worthwhile to give money to a fake person than to give it to you, since at least I know he’s not going to spend it on $2 jugs of wine, then sit in front of the Savon for yet another day, prolonging the horrible rut that you’re in. At least it makes me laugh to see that other people have also giving to Fake Mad Scientist Guy, to ponder the strangeness of this situation. In fact, I have more faith that Fake Mad Scientist Guy is going to get his act together, come to life, and get a job than I do that you’re going to do anything productive with my spare change. And that, my friend, is why I am giving it to him and not you.”
Or something like that. I’ve never given change to either of them.