How Do I Say This in a Nice Way?

Don't you know that with a title like that, I'm probably going to say something that CANNOT be said in a nice way?

OK, here's my conundrum.    I want to say nice things about Cory Monteith, because he's dead and it's probably respectful to say nice things about someone who died, right?

My problem is this:  I know someone who overdosed on heroin after just getting out of rehab (he died and had to be brought back to life, "Pulp Fiction" style).  Later, he freely admitted that this was a total bonehead move, as he miscalculated the dose his body could take after getting clean and having absolutely no tolerance built up in his system.   I guess you could actually argue that ANY consumption of heroin is a bonehead move, but that's beside the point.   This person I know basically did the same amount of heroin he was doing before he stopped using, and his heart stopped, and the only reason he survived (that time) was because his wife was there and called 911 and ran to get the neighbors (which included me).   Not a super fun experience for anyone involved, and I guess when I heard Cory Monteith died of a "lethal combination of heroin and alcohol," I remembered this, and I was just disappointed for everyone in his life, including him.   

I guess this biases me towards the Monteith situation, because it just seems like such a waste of talent and opportunity with one terrible error of judgement.

Also, let's talk about Cory Monteith's Twitter account, shall we?   Am I to believe that no one in his management team or his girlfriend Lea Michele have access to this account?  Do none of them want to go and put something up like "Rest in Peace Cory, please make donations to drug abuse charities in his honor?"   Do they really want to leave these as the last two Tweets sent before his untimely death?

Screen Shot 2013-08-03 at 12.47.09 PM Yep.  These are the last two missives from the late Mr. Monteith before he went and made his fatal heroin miscalculation.   I think if I were his PR team, I would maybe release a statement that Cory Monteith struggled with drugs and maybe a learning disability (which would explain why he dropped out of school in the ninth grade), erase these Tweets, and generally point people toward his charity work and toward anti-drug programs to try to save people from this same fate.

Was that put in a nice enough way?   I am trying my very hardest to be nice and not call Cory Monteith a stone cold dum-dum ninth grade dropout who had what everyone dreams of getting and flushed it all down the toilet for some heroin, leaving us with the overall impression that he was unable to grasp the fact that "Sharknado" is a conjuction of "Shark" and "Tornado."  All this stupidity just makes me want to punch someone in the face.

I AM TRYING SO HARD YOU GUYS.   Oh, and PLEASE do not start commenting and Tweeting me that he was a "sick drug addict" and that he had "no control over his behavior."  I get it, ok?   I know lots of addicts and alcoholics, and the only ones who are still alive are the ones who have just taken responsibility for the fact that they do have an illness, and that illness basically means they can never, EVER EVER consume mind-altering substances again because for whatever reason, their body cannot handle them, and for them there is no such thing as "a glass of wine with dinner," so it's all or nothing, and that totally sucks, and I get that.    I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying that if you know this about yourself, the only solution is to accept it and do your best to live your life.  Let me say these words to you so you can more fully understand how much I understand this:  I'M IRISH, ok?   I am positive I have more dead relatives than you.

That's it.  Just had to say it.   Don't we really think someone should take those Tweets down, though?

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One Reply to “How Do I Say This in a Nice Way?”

  1. That sounds to me that you put it in a good way. As for the tweets, I don’t think it really matters. In the end, the only ones that will remember him in the long run (say 6 months from now) will be his family, and I doubt they’ll care about his Twitter account. I could be wrong though (It’s been know to happen a lot. :D)


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