surprise! surprise! surprise!
Actually, there’s no surprise– at least not on this blog, which I know I’ve been neglecting. You see, there’s only so many things you can work on at one time before your head starts to hurt, which mine has again. So, with this project, and this website, and one book, and another book, and a whole other project I’m trying to finish before September, I’m afraid that August 2008 is not turning out to be a very entertaining month for Funny Strange. And for that, I apologize. There is funny out there, but unfortunately I’m not able to capture much of it at my current, shark-like rate of work.
Oh, but also– I’m saying "surprise" because I simply could not allow myself near this blog last week, for fear that I might blurt out something that would tip off Stephan to the giant, huge, multi-phased surprise 40th birthday party that I was planning, which occurred last Wednesday (his actual birthday). The risk was too great, you see, that I would mention something about the FRIENDS FlYING IN FROM OUT OF TOWN for the surprise dinner that preceded the surprise party, or about the FOUR MILLION THINGS THAT ARRIVED FROM FEDEX last week, or about the actual party, which had me so nervous I could barely even talk to anyone without blurting it out, like I had SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY tourette’s or something. DON’T MAKE ANY PLANS FOR THURSDAY, I kept wanting to say, BECAUSE OUR AWESOME FRIEND IS STILL GOING TO BE IN TOWN after your PARTY, WHICH I AM PLANNING, RIGHT NOW. Usually I am pretty good at keeping secrets, but this was almost too much for me. This also meant that I couldn’t mention how many times I went to PARTY CITY, or how many hilarious clown costumes they have there, or how I almost bought a "Pimp Kit," but couldn’t because, you see, someone stole the crunk teeth. I’m sure you know how difficult it was for me to have a blog that was pretty much DESIGNED for the sentence "someone stole the crunk teeth," and not be able to say it. So– that’s where I was.
Anyway, the party turned out to be a big success, though I must regretfully say that I was so nervous, I totally forgot to bring the camera, and am still waiting for anyone who might have been there to send me the photos. Can’t win ’em all, I guess. But, the party was awesome, and I think he was really surprised. Maybe you can imagine it in your head.
So, then we went to Carmel for the weekend so we could continue the BIG BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, and we all ate too much sugar, and one night my father in law got realreally hammered on white wine, which we all thought was extremely funny. And….now you’re all caught up. Oh, did I mention how awesome I think Michael Phelps is? Well, I do.