I’m Sorry, Ma’am….You Have Jarreau….

Damn You, Al Jarreau!

Hey, did you know that if you happen to walk into a store, and that store is playing “We’re in This Love Together,” by Al Jarreau, that you will then not be able to stop singing that damn song all day?   And in fact, as if by mind control, you will get your husband to start singing it, and then you will have to write about it on your blog, so everyone you know will then start singing it, thus re-awakening the insidiousness of this song, and spreading Jarreau all over the globe?

Yeah, before I thought it was just a catchy song.  Now, I’m thinking it’s more like a virus that just has to pass.  This is the virus I’m calling "Jarreau."

Here– I’ll show you how it spreads.

“Weee’re in this love together…..we got the kind that brings to mind a favorite song…..a yeah yeah yeah.”

I dare you to stop singing this song now.

This brings me to another, similar topic, which is "names that sound like medical afflictions."  Now, granted, the "Jarreau" is brought on by listening to Al Jarreau songs, but still, you have to admit that Jarreau does sound rather like a disease, or perhaps a foodstuff or some other weird thing.

Here are some others that come to mind:

1.  Eva Longoria.  This one’s the worst.  "Oh man….I went to Mexico over Spring Break, and I got the worst case of Eva Longoria.  I was totally in the bathroom the whole time."

2.  Antonin Scalia.  Sounds like a skin rash, perhaps one that requires a course of cortisone to treat.
"The Scalia has spread to my hands and face!"

3.  Plaxico Burress.  This actually sounds less like a disease and more like the name of a town in the Old West….."take that there dusty ol’ trail up Plaxico Burress, and turn right at the big ol’ tree, ya hear?"

4.  Hayden Pannettiere– a light and fluffy, possily fruit filled dessert.  "Waiter, you know what?  I’m going to splurge and have the Hayden Pannettiere with a decaf latte."

Oh, and also– listen to our radio show, Funny Strange Live, today (Friday) at 1:00 pm Pacific Time.  Just click the "MyShow" button to the right to tune in, or visit www.nowlive.com/funnystrange to text or call in!

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2 Replies to “I’m Sorry, Ma’am….You Have Jarreau….”

  1. It’s a good thing I don’t know this song. Actually, I probably do know it, but I can’t think of it now, so I’m free from the Jarreau. Disease – Jarreau. Cure – Ignorance.
    I loved the disease names, btw. Eva Longoria is my favourite. I’ll never watch Desperate Housewives the same way.


  2. I was so interested by your article, that decided to search for the name Jarreau. Who knows perhaps it really has some interesting origin 😉 but I found only music – http://file.sh/Jarreau+torrent.html


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