Happy Halloween!
This Halloween, I'd like to give you the truly outstanding gift of Crazy Gideon, an electronics salesman in downtown L.A who looks a little like the grown-up version of Eddie Munster. If you don't live here you might not have seen one of these commercials, but I didn't think I should go one more day without sharing it with you. I'll let you get to the magic right away, but I'd just like to ask you– what's with this guy's anger management problem? He's yelling even louder than the OXY CLEAN GUY, WHO TOTALLY WANTS YOU TO CLEAN YOUR CARPET. Take special notice of the moment when he tries to take a bite out of the camera. True crazy genius. "If you don't buy from him, you have a problem in you MIND!"
You are so correct – Crazy Gideons is across the street from one of my clients loft office space and you description is dead on!!!
Oh man, who would want to buy his electronics after he’s been smacking himself in the head with them? And I’m not even going to mention the inappropriate camera licking and biting.
Um, wow. I have no response to that.