I Don’t Know Why This Made Me Laugh
So, you probably know I have this MySpace page (mostly for my novel Hollywood Car Wash). I mostly feel too old for MySpace, but it’s a great way to get your stuff out to alot of readers, and for people to get in touch with me, etc.
Every once in awhile, though, I find MySpace bizarre and very different from me, like for example, when someone posts this comment on the page:
We got this new thing going on . send us pics of you in ya fave hip hop
shirt stating why fire is ya #1 rapper or just rep RBP and we’ll post
you on the page in a slide show… the more pics we get of you the more
times you’ll appear on the page soo….. GET AT ME!!
This is problematic on so many levels, not least of which is that I don’t HAVE a "fave hip-hop shirt." More specifically, I don’t have a hip-hop shirt AT ALL, much less one that I could consider a "fave." So, I’m excluded right there. Also, I’m not even sure what the message is here, or why "Fire should be my # 1 rapper." Is Fire a rapper? Who is this person who wants me to "get at him?" Is he Fire’s manager? Why would he want me to appear on his page in a seemingly random hip-hop shirt? Does this "Fire" have a shirt? Does he mean "rep R & B," or did they actually invent a whole new category of music (R & P) since the last time I paid attention to music? Because I’m going to tell you right now, the last rap album I bought was Jay Z’s Black Album, and I only bought that because I like listening to his music while I’m running on the treadmill. I could not be less in touch with what the kids are listening to.
My point here is– I have no idea how this person found me, or why he thinks that I would be a good addition to his site in my non-existent fave hip-hop shirt. My MySpace page is PINK. It’s mostly dedicated to a chick lit-type book. The only conclusion that I can draw here is that this person has totally misjudged his demographic, and is now trolling for rap fans in chick lit land.