Hurry Up! It’s an Emergency! An Express Emergency!

Today’s post centers around this super fast looking car I saw parked in front of an NYC hotel the other day.   I stood for awhile, just looking at it and laughing, but then I thought the person inside might think I was weird, so I took this photo and left.

Here is my question:  what is the need that this turbo-charged EMS is filling?  Apparently they can get there REALLY fast (which is almost impossible in New York, to be honest with you, unless it is 3 am and this guy is going 150 mph up the FDR or the West Side Highway), but– how much medical stuff can he really have in that little trunk?  Is he the first responder, and if so, is he just there, going “HANG ON!  I KNOW IT HURTS!  SOMEONE WILL BE HERE SOON!”

Or, does this guy have some kind of medical training and/ or some equipment in his car, like something that can re-start a heart or stop bleeding?   My problem here is that I feel like the super souped-upness of this car should really be applied to the AMBULANCE that is trying to get there to save people.  Like, nothing should be able to go faster than the life-saving ambulance, right?  RIGHT?   If I call 911, I would hope they are driving as fast as they can to get there.

It is the “Express” part of the “Express EMS” that I think I am really questioning.  The “E” in “EMS” already stands for “Emergency.”  What is more express than an emergency?   WHAT IS THIS CAR FOR?

Someone please tell me.  I am totally serious.  Also, I would like to know the reasoning behind those fancy rims.  Isn’t this a city vehicle?  Why does it need to be pimped out like that?

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