Some Hand-Made Signs for Your Friday….

So, yeah– for some reason, my feed-sender thing sent an unfinished version of yesterday's post.  I don't know why.  If you like, you can scroll down and see the rest of it.  It was almost finished– I guess just not in time for Feedburner's satisfaction, although I did find it amusing that it sent the wrong version of the post, a whole day late.  Feedburner, pull yourself together!

I don't know if you share my enthusiasm for hand-made signs, but I have a small collection of them going, and sometimes I like to break them out and laugh at them all over again. 


Really, I think the best thing about these signs is thinking about the
time and care it took to actually get on your computer, pull up
Microsoft Word or whatever, make the sign, and stick it in the window
of your business.  Like this one.  These converters were that
important!!!!!!  They are in stock now, and the guy who owns this store wants you to know it!!!!!


Sometimes the best signs are unintentional.  This one started out as
hand-done lettering– the people who own this store were just trying to
be courteous, I'm sure.  And then some hooligans came along, trying to be funny.

And it worked. 

Sometimes the signs are ambiguous, even though they don't mean to be, and this makes them even funnier.  This sign is perhaps indicating that the restrooms they have are only available to the people who work there, and not the annoying people who come into the place (probably every day) to ask if they can use it.  Still, the cumulative effect of this is a big question mark, like, wait, are the public restrooms just not available NOW?  Will they be if I wait? 


Moreover, who are these public restrooms not available TO?  The public?  Doesn't that really make them private restrooms, thus negating the very need for the sign?  I don't want to get picky— only I do.  If you're doing to make a sign on a computer, then laminate it, then find the tape to stick it to the door, please make sure it's clear.  Because, even after this sign, I am still wondering whether this restaurant has a bathroom that is available to me.


This one is an oldie but a goodie– I don't know why this makes me
laugh every time.  Maybe just the thought of someone conceptualizing
this, then going to their computer workspace (perhaps at home, that
would make it even funnier), making this, again, LAMINATING IT (no easy
task), then sticking it on a piece of merchandise.  The odd specificity
of it is what really cracks me up. 

Last but not least, this is what you do in New York if you're one of those vendor guys who sells stuff out of a truck, and you decide to discontinue an item:


They want you to know, they no longer carry fresh-made pretzels.   In case you can't read the handwriting on the masking tape that is cleverly covering the word "Pretzel," it says NO NO NO NO NO NO, like, what were you thinking, asking them for a fresh-made pretzel?  Shame on you! 

That's it– have a good weekend, and be sure to send me all the hand-made signs you come across.  Next week:  Facebook etiquette, signs that are funny but NOT handmade, and much much more! 

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One Reply to “Some Hand-Made Signs for Your Friday….”

  1. The Watch Yo Step reminds me of this truck I was sitting in traffic behind once. It said, “ass specialist.” I tried desperately to get a picture of it on my phone. In fact, I drove for several miles down the ten not paying attention to any of the cars or driving, just trying over and over to get a picture that worked.
    Eventually I had to give up. When I drove past him later I saw that he was a “glass specialist.”


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