I can admit when I was wrong…

I think I totally forgot to mention this– I was reading OK! Magazine in a nail salon on my birthday, and there was a whole article about how Lance Armstrong and his girlfriend conceived their baby naturally, which means two things if you believe the reporting in OK! Magazine:

1.  His body is recovering from the chemo, and that is just awesome,


2.  I am an a-hole for writing this post, in which I speculated about how they must've had an awesome first date, then gone skipping down to the in-vitro clinic to get some of his frozen sperm out of the cryobank.

So, yeah.  Lance Armstrong is superman, and I am a bad person.  Get through it.   Sometimes my meanness is what makes you laugh.  Oh, happy inauguration day, unless you're one of the two people reading this blog who are not excited about the new presidency, in which case, perhaps you could go through some of my old blog archives to take your mind off your pain.    No judgment. 

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