Hello again, and welcome back to this sadly neglected blog. Yes, I know I have only been posting here a few times per year. That is because I wrote four books last year and am trying to write another four this year, and I have poor time management skills. Did you know that ADHD gets worse the older you get? Because it very much does.
Anyhoo, here are all of the books I have written thus far in the “Funny You Should Ask” series, which you should absolutely check out if any of these subjects interest you. I started this series because I am apparently a glutton for punishment. The books are basically me explaining technical things while making jokes, and it has been very well received!

My Books on Amazon
I’m back on this blog because something very important and Funny Strange-like has happened, and we need to talk about it.
The new Peeps flavors are out, people. This has happened earlier in the season than expected, perhaps because this is the 70th Anniversary of Peeps. I’m so excited about this that I went out and bought a bunch of Peeps-themed stuff and made a TikTok about it! That’s right over here if you are a TikTok person.
Yes, that is Stephan in the background, serving up a hilarious Peeps song. Special super thanks to him for doing not only that song, but all the fancy video production on my first-ever TikTok!
Back to the matter at hand. There are only two brand-new ones this time around–Kettle Corn and Dr. Pepper–and both are pretty accurate, maybe because they’re based on things that are artificially flavored anyway, which makes them easy to get right. I also appreciate the movie theater theme of popcorn and soda, although I don’t know if that was intentional. It might have been, because in keeping with the movie theater food theme, I also noticed that they have a Mike and Ike-themed Peep pop out this year, which I’ll need to do a whole separate post about because NO ONE LIKES MIKE AND IKES AND NO ONE EVER DID, so that did not need to happen. Also returning this year are sour watermelon, hot tamale, birthday cake (a pointless and stupid flavor, in my opinion), cotton candy, chocolate pudding, the ongoing atrocity that is fruit punch, regular and strawberry Peeps delights (those are the chocolate-dipped ones), and a flavor called Sparkly Wild Berry that is proving to be difficult to locate. I’ll look into how “sparkly” that one tastes and get back to you.
In case you’re new here and don’t know this about me, strangely and artificially flavored snack food is my lifelong interest and hobby, and it just gets funnier with every passing year. I am absolutely that friend you need to tell if you see something like chicken and waffle-flavored potato chips in a store, because I will run right out and buy those just to see how close they got. In fact, I have a weirdly flavored snack food tasting game at every party I host, because I totally love experiencing the weird flavors with other people and comparing notes.
In case that is a party game you might want to do yourself (because it really is super fun), I finally got around to making a downloadable version of the Peeps Tasting Party Game instructions for you. It even has tasting notes! You can get that here.
The first new flavor is kettle corn, and while initially you might be like, “Gross,” stay with me, because I feel like this is one of their best-executed flavors to date. The flavor profile is spot on, to the point where it made me laugh out loud from the very beginning of this flavor experiment.

Right out of the package, they totally smell like buttered popcorn, which is at once hilariously accurate and cognitively incongruous, because your brain knows good and well you’re not just about to be eating popcorn. The accuracy of the smell is one of the things I love about the weird Peeps.
The actual kettle corn flavor is accurate as well, which is even funnier to me. Like, how do they put all the chemicals together to make it taste like popcorn? It almost perfectly captures the sweet and salty balance of kettle corn without the pesky crunchiness of actual popcorn, which I appreciate, because popcorn gives me anxiety (it’s a long story).
These specialty flavors can sometimes be overpowering, but that is not the case this time around, and if anything, I found that this flavor was a little more understated than it needed to be. I would give this flavor a solid A-, which I would upgrade to an A if they could make it slightly more flavor-forward and saltier. I say that because just out of curiosity, I added salt to one of them, and it was EVEN MORE DELICIOUS. I recommend having some salt handy to add and compare.
Also, I can’t leave off of this first analysis without mentioning the packaging, which is usually funny in some way.

Look at this Peep’s face. He is clearly not amused at this latest turn of events. Why is he sitting next to a tub of “Peeps Corn,” which seems like it might be actual popcorn? He doesn’t have thumbs or a mouth, so he’s not going to be able to get the delicious kettle corn out of the tub or eat it. Maybe that’s why his face looks like this. Of course, it could be the dark undercurrent of cannibalism inherent in almost all the Peeps packaging where the Peeps are eating Peeps, and that’s just not right. This is a meta-Peep situation, and you can’t tell me that the designers at Just Born didn’t do this on purpose, because again, look at the expression on that Peep’s face. He knows.
Kettle Corn peeps were only available at Kroger Stores (like QFC and Fred Meyer).
Next up: Dr. Pepper Peeps. You feel these are going to be good even if they aren’t spot-on, because if you like Dr. Pepper, you’re already fine with artificial flavors. The only initial concern I had about this one was the lack of carbonation and the inability to replicate carbonation in Peep form. I don’t know if you’ll agree with this, but the over the top, almost aggressive carbonation is one of the things that makes Dr. Pepper so very, very Dr. Peppery. Like, it almost has to hurt your throat on the way down or it’s not doing the job.

Next up: Dr. Pepper Peeps. You feel these are going to be good even if they aren’t spot-on, because if you like Dr. Pepper, you’re already fine with artificial flavors. The only initial concern I had about this one was the lack of carbonation and the inability to replicate carbonation in Peep form. I don’t know if you’ll agree with this, but the over the top, almost aggressive carbonation is one of the things that makes Dr. Pepper so very, very Dr. Peppery. Like, it almost has to hurt your throat on the way down or it’s not doing the job.
Also, did you know that Dr. Pepper’s dominant flavor is prune juice? True story. Now you will never be able to get that out of your mind. You’re welcome.
The initial aroma of the Dr. Pepper peep (which, let’s just be honest, should just be called a Peeper, or a Dr. Peeper) is not quite as spicy as one might expect. It almost smells like flat or stale Dr. Pepper that you opened and forgot to drink, or Dr. Pepper that spilled on your clothes. So, it does smell like Dr. Pepper, just old Dr. Pepper (though for whatever reason, the smell fades very quickly after opening the package, so get your nose in there the minute you open it). I’ll give it points for accuracy.
Speaking of accuracy, any collab between two companies like this makes my mind wander in a direction of questioning the minutia of logistics, like “How did they get the Dr. Pepper flavor formula from one company to the other? Did they take it over in a suitcase handcuffed to a guy, or in an organ transplant type cooler?”
Only I would wonder about something like this. I am aware.
The one and only problem with the Pepper Peep (I made that up, not trademarked, not copyright, not sponsored) is that it’s too subtle. Of all the flavors to dial back the strength on, you’re going to start doing that with Dr. Pepper? It makes me laugh that Sour Watermelon and Fruit Punch are basically so strong you can’t taste anything else for awhile after you eat them, but Dr. Pepper, which I would consider to be in the same strong-flavor category, is being treated with kid gloves like this. The only way to really “get” the Dr. Pepper flavor is to hold the Peep in your mouth for a long time, which I don’t think is the standard or recommended mode of Peep consumption. This makes me think Keurig Dr. Pepper (which I have just learned is the current distributor of Dr. Pepper) would only agree to this collab if there was a limit put on the “Dr. Peppery-ness” of the Pepper Peeps, which just feels like a missed opportunity. Oh, maybe this goes without saying, but I don’t think you will like these if you don’t like Dr. Pepper, although I’m not sure why you would be buying a Dr. Pepper-themed product if you had that bias.
I’m giving the Dr. Pepper Peeps a B-, because while I found the flavor to be authentic, I found the whispered subtlety of the flavor to be a total sad trombone. If I’m eating a peep that is supposed to taste like Dr. F**king Pepper, I would like to taste the pepper, okay? Also, I don’t like having to eat multiple Peeps to get the point of a theme. I’m old and I need to save the calories for actual nutritious food. I would put these in a tasting just for fun, but I don’t know that they would be the star, if I’m honest. This assessment surprises and disappoints me too, I KNOW!
Looking at the packaging for a moment before we go, here’s this cranky Peep again, only this time he’s mad because he’s seated next to what can only be an ice-cold, unopened can of Dr. Pepper. In this context, his face looks this way because he can’t open the can, nor can he drink the delicious and mysterious pepper elixir, because it will melt his peep body. Either that or he’s with me in being upset by the faintness of the flavor. No obvious Peep cannibalism in this particular graphic, but still. He’s seen some shit.

This Peep has seen things. He knows something.
So, that’s it for my assessment of the new Peep flavors. I’m surprising myself by declaring kettle corn the best new peep of 2023, although I would absolutely recommend picking both of them up to see if you agree.
Okay! See you in a year!
Just kidding. I’m actually thinking of doing more of these quirky food tastings, so let me know if you found this amusing. Please discuss your favorite Peeps flavors in the comments!